Title | Format |
W5 Unpacking value for money Mort Bennett Sullivan | |
W6 PLA 2022 Conference Future of Funds Clean Burger | |
W8 PLA 2022 Administration Agreements and SLA's Conduct Standard Field Roodman | |
W9 PLA 2022 Workshop 9 section 37C death benefits Van Wyk Kgomongoe | |
W10 PLA 2022 Open Finance Manson & David | |
W11 PLA Presentation - Electronic Signatures Mlambo | |
W12 2022 PLA Advising Pension Fiduciaries on ESG Issues Bauslaugh | |
W13 Multiple pots Coutinho | |
W14 ID theft of retirement fund benefits Powell | |
W14 ID theft of retirement fund benefits Solomon | |
W15 Liquidity and retirement funds Huggett Henchie Davison | |
W16 Problems in decision making Mbatha and Geral | |
W17 OPFA determinations Essop | |
W18 POPIA Reddy | |
W19 PLA 2022 Umbrella Fund Doubell Mellett 10052022 | |
W20 FSCA Draft Transformation Strategy Ntshangase v2 | |
W20 FSCA Draft Transformation Strategy Singh | |
P1 Twin Peaks Andrew Godwin | |
P2 Sustainable investing Fiona Stewart | |
P2 Sustainable investing John Oliphant | |
P3 PLA 2022 Case Law update MacKenzie and Magan | |
P4 FSCA Commissioner Unathi Kamlana | |
P5 Retirement reforms Momoniat | |
P6 PLA 2022 Conference Presentation - OPFA Lukhaimane | |
P7 Update from the FSCA's RFD du Toit | |
W1 deck 1 of 2 (v2) PLA 2022 Conference Presentation Thulare | |
W1 deck 2 of 2 PLA Presentation_Tando Mbono | |
W3 COFI consequential amendments pension interest 250422 Camroodien | |
W4 20222429 PLA 2022 Conference Presentation Tax Developments Gordon & Chong | |
PLA 2022 Presentation K Magan and J Mort | |
PLA Webinar_Industry Update August 2022 CM presentation | |
PLA 2022 Presentation on Case Law Update - 22 August 2022 Final |