Membership Form


    Please tick the box next to the appropriate category of membership for which you are applying. The full eligibility requirements are in the Constitution of the Pension Lawyers Association of South Africa. The National Committee will consider your application and advise you of the outcome.

    Brief description of current occupation (Please only show details relevant to your membership app)

    The Membership subscription fee for the period 1 January 2024 to 31 December 2024 is R700.01 incl VAT (R350 for half-year for Members admitted after 1st July) plus a once off administration fee of R200 incl VAT for new applications.

    Kindly note that payment of the Membership fee becomes due as soon as you have been notified that your application has been successful. Banking details will be provided on your invoice.

    Once you have made payment, please forward proof thereof to Note that you will not be listed as a member until payment and proof thereof have been received.

    If your employer will pay your subscription please provide the following:

    I hereby declare that the information provided in this application form is true and correct.

    I also agree to abide by, and further the objects of the Constitution of the Pension Lawyers Association of South Africa as well and to abide by the decisions of the Committee.