Breakfast Seminar
Title | Presenters | Formats |
Do you know if your assets are appropriate to your liabilities? And just what does that mean exactly? | Anne Cabot-Alletzhauser |
Pension Lawyers Association 17th Annual Conference – Day 01
Title | Presenters | Formats |
Disappointing Pensions- The plight of trustees in fund governance | Jonathan Seres | |
Pension reform and the NSSF | Selwyn Jehoma | |
National Treasury update | Beatrie Gouws | |
Divorce entitlements in Government funds | Paul Pretorius | |
Paper | Paul Pretorius | |
Disability benefits payable by retirement funds | Naleen Jeram | |
Employment issues and the Adjudicator – Jurisdiction after Hoffmann | Bradley Conradie | |
Inspections and Enforcement by the Financial Services Board | Virgo Abrahams | |
Article by Jeremy Gardiner | Jeremy Gardiner | |
Beneficiary Funds | Giselle Gould | |
CRISA and the New Investment Code | Sara Herbert | |
Data Management in the Information Age | Rob MacMahon | |
Regulation 28 | Wilma Mokupo |
Day 02
Title | Presenters | Formats |
Designing pension systems for the 21st century | Prof Nicholas Barr | |
The mandatory pension regime in Malawi | Mtende Mhango | |
Case law update | Alec Freund | |
Umbrella funds and the development of legal principles specific to them | Kobus Hanekom | |
Funds and maintenance orders | Muthundinne Sigwadi | |
Pensions payable to the veterans of the struggle under the Special Pensions Act | Lufuno Nevondwe | |
Moot Court debate | Rose Hunter, Graham Damant & John MacRobert |