Conference Registration Form The 27th Annual Conference of the Pension Lawyers Association South Africa in conjunction with the International Pension and Employee Benefits Lawyers Association will be held in person at the Cape Town International Convention Centre On 23 and 24 March 2023 (with a welcome cocktail party on Wednesday, 22 March 2023) Name First Last Email Mobile NumberTitle Mr Mrs Ms Dr Advocate Profressor None Details for Name Badge PurposesNamePositionOrganisationPLA Member Yes No IPEBLA Member Yes No VIP Yes No Speaker Yes No Registration FeeEarly Bird Fee: Register by Friday, 30 December 2022 PLA Member: R6 750.00 For persons who are not PLA Members: R7 750.00 Standard Registrations from Saturday, 31 December 2022 until 16h00 on Tuesday, 28 February 2023 PLA Member: R7 250.00 For persons who are not PLA Members: R8 250.00 Organisation to be Billed (If Required)Billing Address DetailsVAT number (If Required)Email Address for Billing PurposesCPD Points Yes No ID Number for CPD PointsDietary Requirements None Halaal Vegetarian Vegan Kosher Attend Cocktail Party: Wednesday, 22 March 2023? Yes No Attend Gala Dinner: Thursday, 23 March 2023? Yes No Partner Yes No Partner Name Partner First Name Partner Surname Partner Title Mr Mrs Dr Advocate Profressor Attend Cocktail Party: Wednesday, 22 March 2023? Yes No Additional cost for partner to attend: R610.00Attend Gala Dinner: Thursday, 23 March 2023? Yes No Additional cost for partner to attend: R720.00AccommodationA special conference rate has been arranged with the nearby hotels, Southern Sun The Cullinan and Southern Sun Waterfront Cape Town. Accommodation for both hotels is to be booked directly by delegates with Southern Sun through the following link: Accommodation Please quote the following reference when booking: PLA2023Terms and Conditions 2020 registered delegates whose fees were carried forward – special arrangements Credit balances in respect of all 2020 delegates whose fees have not yet been utilised or refunded in full, may be used towards payment for 2023 conference attendance. Organisations may use credit balances for any of their delegates and any remaining credit balances may be carried forward for future events, or refunded on request. Refunds will be paid to the bank account of the entity which made the original payment. Should you wish to utilise your credit balance please email: Pension Lawyers Association of South Africa 2023 Annual Conference: Terms and Conditions 1. Only delegates who are registered to attend the conference and, if relevant the cocktail party and the conference dinner, in terms of the following conditions may attend the conference. 2. On completion of the registration form, an email confirming receipt of the form will be sent automatically, and an invoice will be issued within five working days to you by the PLA Administrators. The Pension Lawyers Association is a registered VAT Vendor: VAT Registration No. 4140169295. 3. If no email confirmation is received within 24 hours of submitting your form or if no invoice is received within 5 working days, please e-mail the PLA Administrators at to confirm that your registration form has been received. 4. Payment of the conference fee and, if relevant, the cost of the delegates partner attending the cocktail party and/or the conference dinner must, subject to paragraph 14, be made within 21 days from the date of the invoice, failing which registrations may, at the discretion of the PLA, be cancelled without notice and the place offered to delegates on the waiting list. No credit card payments will be accepted. 5. You will only be registered to attend the conference and, if relevant, the cocktail party and/or the conference dinner once the PLA Administrators have received from you or on your behalf a completed registration form and proof of payment of the conference fee and, if relevant, the cost of attending the cocktail party and/or the conference dinner. A deposit slip or EFT transfer form is required as proof of payment. Kindly use your invoice number as a reference on the EFT. 6. The PLA Administrators will send confirmation of receipt of proof of payment by email. If no email confirmation is received within 5 working days of the date of payment, please e-mail the PLA Administrators on to confirm whether payment has been received. 7. Cancellations received more than 15 working days prior to the first day of the conference will receive a refund of registration fees less an administration charge of 10% of the conference fee. Cancellations made after this date, as well as 'no shows', are liable for the full registration fee. Please notify the PLA Administrators in writing at if you wish to cancel your attendance. 8. Registered delegates may be substituted up until midday on Wednesday 1st March 2023 at an additional fee of R500. This is in addition to the fee difference of R1000 which is payable if a non-member is substituted for a member. Please notify the PLA Administrators in writing at of the change. Substitute delegates must complete a new registration form. No partial substitutions will be permitted. 9. The conference fee includes lunches, conference refreshments and transfers to and from the CTICC and the function venues at scheduled times. The conference fee includes the cocktail party and conference dinner, but DOES NOT INCLUDE flights and accommodation and airport/hotel transfers outside of scheduled times. 10. Early bird bookings must be made on or before Friday 30th December 2022 and payment for early bird bookings must be received by Friday 6th January 2023, failing which delegates will be required to reregister and will be liable for the full registration fee. 11. PLA member conference fee rates are only applicable to IPEBLA members and those PLA members who have paid their 2022 PLA subscriptions at the date of registration and who pay their 2023 PLA subscriptions (which are due on 1st January 2023) prior to 31st January 2023. If you fail to meet these conditions, you will be liable for the non-member conference fee. 12. New members joining with effect from 1st January 2023 will be eligible for PLA member conference fee rates provided that they have paid their subscription fees for 2023 in full at the time of registration. (Accordingly, only existing 2022 members are able to take advantage of the Early Bird PLA Member rate). A new member who fails to meet these conditions will be liable for the non-member conference fee. 13. Delegates are required to keep and produce, when requested by the PLA Committee members or the PLA Administrators, copies of their registration form and proof of payment. 14. The cut-off date for final bookings is Tuesday 28th February 2023 or the date on which capacity is reached, if earlier. The final cut-off date for payment of conference fees is Wednesday 8th March 2023. Late registrations or payments received beyond these dates will be accepted at the sole discretion of the PLA. Late registrations, if accepted will be subject to a R500 late registration fee. 15. The Pension Lawyers Association reserves the right to modify or cancel the conference, the conference dates, the speakers and/or the venue(s) without prior notification. 16. The Pension Lawyers Association is not liable for any claims, losses, damages or expenses of any nature arising from or connected to the conference or the cocktail party or conference dinner, including any claims, damages or expenses arising out of the cancellation of the conference or out of any changes to the conference, the conference dates, the speakers and/or the venue(s). POPI Clause I agreeBy ticking this box, you, the registrant, confirm you consent to the Pension Lawyers Association collecting and processing the information you have submitted to register for attendance at the conference. The information will be collected and held only for purposes of this event, The 27th Annual Pension Lawyers Conference held from 22 to 24 March 2023.CAPTCHA Δ