<strong></strong>These are now available under the ‘Downloads’ tab.
Template for Divorce Orders with Pension Interest </strong>

The legislative provisions concerning the assignment of pension interest in divorce cases has caused much confusion, due in part to several amendments in a short period of time. As a representative body in the retirement industry, the Pension Lawyers Association wishes to provide some guidance for the correct formulation of such claims, which will ensure that parties obtain awards which are enforceable, and will hopefully also assist the funds and administrators processing the divorce orders.

To this end we have drafted a basic template for particulars of claim, a consent paper, and a draft order, which cover the essential requirements for obtaining an assignment of pension interest. The draft, which is now available on the website under ‘Downloads All’, also contains some notes on some of the problematic areas relating to pension interest.

Click <a href=”http://www.pensionlawyers.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/PLATemplateForDivorceOrdersWithPensionInterest-1.pdf”>here</a> to download the PDF.