23 September 2009 – PLA Breakfast Seminar

A critical analysis of recent pension case law by Adv Alec Freund SC PDF

28 August 2009 – PLA Workshop

The moment of truth by Michael Dokakis PDF

28 May 2009 – Joint PLA / SASLAW Seminar

Strikes and their effect on pension benefits by Edwin Ellis PDF
Reinstatement and Re-employment orders and their effect on dismissed employees’ pensions

by Pierre Reineck and Ziska Verhagen
Employee Benefits Studio


Enforcement Committee by Gerrie van Deventer – FSB PDF
ADR in Pension Law Dispute Resolution – Quo Vadis? The art of the con-arbist

by John McRobert PDF
Concilliation & Mediation in the Pension Fund environment

by Wahida Parker PDF
The state of the economy and how it impacts on retirement funds – Investment outlook “It’s a (tough) new world !”

by Chris Hart PDF
Review of decisions of the Registrar: the Law and Procedure

by Adv/Dr Kirsty Mclean PDF
Housing Loans: Impact of S14 and the National Credit Act

by Graham Damant PDF
The pension lawyer’s universe: Observations from the United Kingdom

by Francisco Khoza PDF
The removal of Boards of Trustees from office. The Law and Procedure by Paul Pretorius SC PDF
The inadequacy of the law and regulation in protecting
funds and their members against abuse
by Rosemary Hunter PDF
Pension Trsutee Liability Insurance by Teri Solomon PDF
Pensions Law – a general update

by Leanne Van Wyk PDF
The process of Trustee decision making – How to exercise a discretion by Patrick Bracher PDF
What if a member’s fund value is insufficient to pay court order and tax? by Samantha Davidson PDF
Reportable Irregularities

by David Geral PDF
Investment Switches in Retirement Funds by Naleen Jeram PDF
Update on pension reform

by David O’Brien PDF
Tax update – Proposed legislative amendments by Mientjie Botha PDF