23 September 2009 – PLA Breakfast Seminar
Title | Presenters | Formats |
A critical analysis of recent pension case law | by Adv Alec Freund SC |
28 August 2009 – PLA Workshop
Title | Presenters | Formats |
The moment of truth | by Michael Dokakis |
28 May 2009 – Joint PLA / SASLAW Seminar
Title | Presenters | Formats |
Enforcement Committee | by Gerrie van Deventer – FSB | |
ADR in Pension Law Dispute Resolution – Quo Vadis? The art of the con-arbist | by John McRobert | |
Concilliation & Mediation in the Pension Fund environment | by Wahida Parker | |
The state of the economy and how it impacts on retirement funds – Investment outlook “It’s a (tough) new world !” | by Chris Hart | |
Review of decisions of the Registrar: the Law and Procedure | by Adv/Dr Kirsty Mclean | |
Housing Loans: Impact of S14 and the National Credit Act | by Graham Damant | |
The pension lawyer’s universe: Observations from the United Kingdom | by Francisco Khoza | |
The removal of Boards of Trustees from office. The Law and Procedure | by Paul Pretorius SC | |
The inadequacy of the law and regulation in protecting funds and their members against abuse | by Rosemary Hunter | |
Pension Trsutee Liability Insurance | by Teri Solomon | |
Pensions Law – a general update | by Leanne Van Wyk | |
The process of Trustee decision making – How to exercise a discretion | by Patrick Bracher | |
What if a member’s fund value is insufficient to pay court order and tax? | by Samantha Davidson | |
Reportable Irregularities | by David Geral | |
Investment Switches in Retirement Funds | by Naleen Jeram | |
Update on pension reform | by David O’Brien | |
Tax update – Proposed legislative amendments | by Mientjie Botha |